Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


Extending an Invitation

an invitation to the banquetIn the recent book The Unchurched Next Door, Thom Rainer, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Evangelism, shares the fruit of an extensive research project into Americans who do not currently attend a church. Two of the surprises of the research are 1) Many people who do not currently have a church home feel guilty about not attending church and wish they could find a place they are comfortable worshipping. and 2) 82 percent of the people surveyed are at least "somewhat likely" to attend church when they are invited.
By far, most of the people they interviewed said that a simple, "Why don't you try coming to King of Peace this Sunday?" are likely to respond with a yes, especially if they know you'll be there too. Yet the reasearch team also found that only 21 percent of church goers asked anyone to church the previous year. In fact, King of Peace has grown so much because the people who attend our church often mention the church to others. Some of the people you invite, will never come. Some people you invite will attend and discover we are not the church for them. But some people you invite will find the community of faith they need. As you've read this, did God put anyone in particular on your heart? If so, this may be the week to make the invitation.


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