Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


Bear with one another in love

bearing one another in love?This photo shows a game we played during Kids in the Kingdom today. Everyone started on their own seat. Then Rhys Jewett called out directions, such as "everyone with brown eyes move two seats to the right" or "everyone in tennis shoes move one seat to your left." Before long, we were stacked several deep. The game went along with our theme for the day of friendship, during which we learned about the great friendship of the Old Testament, David and Jonathan. The idea of the game is to notice things about yourself and others. You do have to know yourself and your friend well to be a good friend.

This game relates to how King of Peace becomes not just a church, but a real community. How well do you know the people with whom you attend church? It is impossible for us to accomplish our goal of bearing one anothers burdens and sharing one anothers joys unless you share of yourself. The congregation cannot support you in your times of need and rejoice with you in your time of joy unless we know of your needs and joys.

It begins with seeing, really seeing, the people with whom you go to church. Then just follow your natural curiosity and when you say hello, ask questions. "Where do your kids go to school?" or whatever question seems appropriate. It is easy to keep sharing worship with one another without getting to know each other. But it is also surprisingly easy to meet new people and get to know their joys and sorrows, challenges and frustrations. Then you'll have a basis for building the community you need, and the community that King of Peace is called by God to become.

You can read about the Bible's view of Christian community by reading the one anothers here online. Also related, but working on a different part of the question of what a Christian community is for, is today's sermon Why bother with Church?


  • At 4/11/2005 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "...Nouwen suffered deeply. He admitted he usually did not feel the affection from others that he deeply craved—suffering from what Jonas calls Nouwen's "habitual, almost neurotic need to be needed."

    ..."It begins with seeing, really seeing, the people with whom you go to church."

    Is it not ironic how these two passages fit together? Feeling the affection from others ... wondering if affection couldn't be changed to acceptance from others. People come to a community fearful of how will be perceived and received. Those who walk about as "roaring lions" or, just the opposite, who "fade into the woodwork", so to speak, are, in my opinion, those most desperate for someone, anyone to just notice; to just receive them into the fellowship of community. Ah, wouldn't it be something if we could accomplish this!! ... and just continue to receive those like Nouwen and so many others like him.


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