Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


Healing Oil on Troubled Waters

In today's religion column for the Tribune & Georgian, Presidential Prophecies Revisited, I try to do what I can to spread some healing oil on the troubled waters stirred by the national debate over who should be the next President. The title comes from this column being a return to one I wrote on January 11 this year called Five Prophetic Predictions on the Presidential Election. I write in part,
I have strong political opinions. I do not express them anywhere but the voting booth. They are heart-felt, prayerfully made choices. Not everyone in my church will agree with me on them and that is fine by me.

I don’t keep my political views close to the vest because others might disagree, I do so out of a humility born by the sure and certain knowledge that I can be wrong. I have gotten things wrong before and will again and I don’t want others to confuse my views on an election as God’s views. I reserve my public statements to matters theological, which is broad enough terrain, thank you.

Committed Christians can and will disagree on many things. I mean real, honest-to-goodness, Bible-reading, church-attending followers of Jesus. As this is true, how much more lack of agreement will we find among the many sorts and conditions of people of faith across this country? That’s just considering the faithful.

The question is not can we all agree, because we can’t. The question is can we all work together for the common good.
The full text of the column is online here: Presidential Prophecies Revisited. That's my take on the topic. What do you think?

The Rev. Frank Logue, Pastor

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