Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


Keeping the Faith

A recent New York Times article reveals that there are more Zoroastrians in the U.S. (11,000 adherants) than in the next two countries combined. But the ancient faith is dying out quickly. The article conjectures why this may be so stating,
The very tenets of Zoroastrianism could be feeding its demise, many adherents said in interviews. Zoroastrians believe in free will, so in matters of religion they do not believe in compulsion. They do not proselytize. They can pray at home instead of going to a temple. While there are priests, there is no hierarchy to set policy. And their basic doctrine is a universal ethical precept: “good thoughts, good words, good deeds.”
Couple this with problems of intermarriage and death rates exceeding birth rates, with almost no converts to speak of, and you have a slow progression toward Zoroastrianism being as viable an option as Baal or Asherah worship.

Zoroastrian woes point out that any faith is one generation away from having no followers. While sharing the faith with others is vital, it is also important to raise your children to share your beliefs. This past Sunday's worship had as its first reading Deuteronomy 4:1-9 which ended with,
But take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children's children.
In the archives is the religion column Teach your children the language of faith.

The Rev. Frank Logue, Pastor + King of Peace Episcopal Church


  • At 9/08/2006 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very interesting. Many other faith traditions have suffered the same fate as the Zoroastrians. According to the NY Times story this entry comes from many of the tenets expressed by the Zoroastrians can be found in Judaism and Christianity. Just to play devil’s advocate, are they worshipping the same God?

    And this does clearly demonstrate that we must pass on to our children, through our example, what we would have them believe. As always, the test will be in what we do, not in what we say.


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