Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


When in Rome...

Saturnia The natural hot springs at Saturnia

I began my sermon yesterday with:

Most of you know that my wife and daughter and I are just back this Tuesday from 21 days in Italy and France. During that trip, as on other trips abroad, we wanted to fit in, adapting to the local culture best we could. But we kept being spotted as tourists from roughly a mile away. This changed during our stay. All we had to do was drive out into the countryside and take off our clothes.

That’s a true story, but I’ll come back to it. First, we need to consider why it was that everyone knew we were tourists and not only tourists, but...
Follow this link to read the rest of the sermon, When in Rome...

It's a bit of a cheesy intro to the sermon, but I think it worked all in all. Below are some photos from our recent trip to Italy and France that I am sharing here for no particular reason other than I like them. For those of you tired of hearing of my vacation, I have only three more blog posts from the trip before we return to regular programming.

The Rev. Frank Logue

Rome, Italy Two steeples and an antenna in Rome

a neighbor in Todi, Italy A neighbor out for a walk in Todi, Italy where we spent a week

view out a window in our apartment in Provence A waterfall in Provence
The view out our window in Provence and
a waterfall to which we hiked near Sallernes, France

A window in Villecroze, France Window in a vine covered wall in Villecroze, France
near an apartment where we spent a week

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  • At 7/02/2007 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You should have projected the picture above for your sermon yesterday as you can actually spot the tourists from a mile away! :)

    Hearing about your trip has been most enjoyable!

  • At 7/02/2007 8:56 AM, Blogger Huw Richardson said…

    Thank you for your travel sharing and your sermons as well.

    This anecdote Roman story reminded me of one day in Dublin (in the mid 90s) when someone asked me a "local" question which I answered correctly. He was visibly surprised at my accent. We developed a friendship because of the fact that I did not "look" nor was I "really" American, but (evidently) quite Irish.

    This might have been exaggerated by the fact I was travelling with a Chinese American.

    Nevertheless I was very proud of being able to shed my native habits

  • At 7/02/2007 11:31 AM, Blogger Laura said…

    Love the sermon. I've always like Paul's list of the fruits of the spirit. Truly words you could base a life on.
    The pictures are nice, as well. I'm looking forward to seeing more.


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