Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


Sharing Joys and Sorrows

Robert Book's ordination service

Episcopal Life Online carries the story Priest ordained during ritual on the street. Robert Book, or "Pastor Bob" as he is known at Church of the Common Ground, leads a community of mostly homeless people that worships Sunday afternoons in Woodruff Park. The congregation has a storefront open weekday afternoons just a few blocks from the park. There the congregation offers twelve step programs, a Bible study, a medical clinic and more. The article says in part,
Assistant Bishop Keith Whitmore of Atlanta led the service, which he said was unlike any he'd seen and one he'll never forget. "An event like today's turns everything upside down just like Jesus turned everything upside down," he said in his homily. "It takes us out of our safe places. This allows us to focus on the least of us and helps them feel like the most of us, even for a short time."

When clergy gathered around the kneeling ordinand, one of the homeless congregants approached Whitmore on his left. The bishop raised his left arm and welcomed him into the circle to consecrate the new priest.
Of his congregation, Pastor Bob said,
"We support them, but they support us too. They pray for our families and share our joys and sorrows. And while we're not a parish, we are church and a community."
There are many ministries from those working with migrant workers to those who serve as college chaplains that will never become self-sustaining congregations. This is where denominations step in and provide long-term support for vital ministries to those who need the care the ministry provides.

When King of Peace provides support to the Diocese of Georgia, we are not only supporting the office of the bishop, but other ministries such as our college chaplaincies. Certainly The Episcopal Church is not unique in this. Denominations of all kinds excel in using the support of many congregations to provide for those most in need. Large independent churches also use their strength of numbers to support mission work. Without these efforts, the church could only share the joys and sorrows of those who could afford a church and this would not reflect the Kingdom of God in the least.

The Rev. Frank Logue, Pastor



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